A hectic weekend
This weekend saw me hauling my ar** to Hyderabad. I had booked tickets a week earlier and to my surprise, by the time I got to the station my WL 56 had magically transformed itself into a side lower berth. The journey was uneventful and I reached Hyd early in the morning. Home was such a sweet sight. After months of staying out nothing smelt sweeter. My wife had made some delicious pooris for me and after tearing apart a plate full of those I caught a nap for about an hour.
As soon as it was afternoon, my heart started to ache for some delicious Hyderabadi Biryani. Now, anybody who has lived in Hyderabad will have long stories to tell about the joys of devouring a Hyderabadi Biryani. Truly, one should taste the stuff to actually believe that it really exists. Long grains of Basmati rice cooked with a mild dash of spices. The grains are well cooked but strangely they dont stick to one another. And punctuating the surface of the rice will be pieces of mutton/chicken cooked on Dum. All this srved with raita and salan. Yummy!. We has Biryani at Hyderabad House and decided to get back home and catch some sleep(again).
Evening we decided to go out to Hyderabad Central and check up on the new PVR 5 screen multiplex that is supposed to open there. Sadly it was still under construction and we had to contend ourselves with some window shopping. At night we went to Anoop's place and found that he had an unopened bottle of Jack Daniels waiting for me. The interesting thing about Jack Daniells is that it is manufactured in Tenessee but can never be bought there. Thats because Tenessee is a dry area. After a large peg of Jack Daniells and a large portion of Arabaic Tandoori Chicken(ATC) that Anoop had ordered, we left for home. And thus ended day one.
Day two we decided to catch the morning show of Batman Begins at the IMAX. The movie was on a much serious note than the earlier Batman movies. It tried to showcase the evolution of Bruce Wayne into Batman. Strangely the new motto of Hollywood movies is the fusion of Eastern philosophy and Western technology. In the movie Bruce gains enlightenment in a monastery which if I am not mistaken seemed placed somewhere in the Himalayas. After that he gets back to Gotham and starts kicking some serious arse. Well, the movie was worth the money I spent on it. We got back home by 3:00 and rested ourselves. By 5:00 I was packing and by 8:30 I was on a bus heading back to Bangalore. Reached Bangalore at about 7:30 in the morning and was in office by 10:30. Phew! what a hectic weekend.
Hello there
Enjoy your writing. Just wanted to point a factual error in your blog, Jack Daniels is very much available in TN. Had visited their mfg place in Lynchburg, TN. The only point of trivia is that JD is manufactured at only this location, there are no other locations in either the US or in the world (atleast not until 2004). http://www.jackdaniels.com/directions.asp TN is also not a dry state by the way. In fact no state in the US is dry , there are laws that restrict the sale of alcohol on certain days or in certain areas (such as certain areas of the city) etc, but no state or no city in its entirety is dry.
Good whiskey, JD for sure!!
Thanx for putting me in place on that. Guess my friend must have got his facts mixed up when he told me this. Trivia aside the whisky was great. ;-). And hey leave a signature with your comments, a pseudonym will also do.
Hi there
I am a fellow blogger... I usually visit your blog courtesy..Bharani's blog. i am the anon up there for the JD stuff!
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