Hitchhiking Life

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - DNA
Ramblings of a guy who is taking life as it comes.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

ISB Application Submitted

YES! after several iterations through the write, review and refine cycle, I am finally done with my application process. I kindo enjoyed the whole thing. Applications such as these make one think through things. Tons of thanx to Krishna, Chaitanya and Dr. Vikram Raj. Thanx to Priya for going through half-done essays and coming up with useful suggestions. And above all thanx to Raj and Sita for the stellar recos. Submitted my application just three days short of the second deadline (15 Jan). Hope this doesnt send negative vibes to the adcom. Now begins the agonising wait. Waiting alone isnt going to take me places. I also have to prepare myself for the interview. I intend to go through my essays with a fine comb and prepare questions on each and every point that might be raised by the adcom. Wishing me all luck Me


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