Hitchhiking Life

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - DNA
Ramblings of a guy who is taking life as it comes.
Blogger Code - B3 d t k+ s u-- f i o++ x- e+ l-- c

Monday, August 22, 2005


I saw a very innovative form of accounting in a Hyderabad pan-shop. Well, the problem is this:
How do you keep track of the daily sales of different varieties of candy?
Hmm.., I could keep a ledger for each variety of candy and make an entry for each sale in the ledger. Nah! that would be too cumbersome and my stationery costs stand the risk of hitting the roof.
Enter Ashraf Panwalla. Ashraf employs an interesting form of accounting. I would like to call it 'Point of Sale' accounting. After every sale of candy, he puts the change not in his cash register but in the candy jar. That way at the end of the day all he does is divide the amount in each jar by the sale price of the candy to get the number of units sold. Simple and elegant.
Now that's what I would call Inventive Thinking. Guess how many so called MBA's would have thought of that.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Corporate Blogging

More and more employers today encourage their employees to blog. I came upon Heather Hamilton's blog. She works for Microsoft and her blog is endorsed by MS. For anyone who wants to peep into MS Windows (pun intended), this blog is quite informative. She recounts interesting experiences like the HRTrax trip to BG's house. I wish my employer realised the immense value-add blogging can have in a technology-centric company. It can be a permanent knowledge base which employees can fall back upon in times of need. I am trying to encourage my project team to blog. Have been experimenting with Drupal and Wordpress lately.
Read Heather's blog here!
Aside - Havent blogged for a long time. My impending travel and work schedule are to blame. Will update once things settle down. BTW I got a promotion@work. Now I am an IT Analyst.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

China's education scenario hots up

Had been to Hyd over the weekend. This article seemed interesting. http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0729/p01s01-woap.html