I saw a very innovative form of accounting in a Hyderabad pan-shop. Well, the problem is this:
How do you keep track of the daily sales of different varieties of candy?
Hmm.., I could keep a ledger for each variety of candy and make an entry for each sale in the ledger. Nah! that would be too cumbersome and my stationery costs stand the risk of hitting the roof.
Enter Ashraf Panwalla. Ashraf employs an interesting form of accounting. I would like to call it 'Point of Sale' accounting. After every sale of candy, he puts the change not in his cash register but in the candy jar. That way at the end of the day all he does is divide the amount in each jar by the sale price of the candy to get the number of units sold. Simple and elegant.
Now that's what I would call Inventive Thinking. Guess how many so called MBA's would have thought of that.