Hitchhiking Life

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - DNA
Ramblings of a guy who is taking life as it comes.
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Finale

My MBA 2005 dream ended yesterday with ISB invites being sent out. In line with expectations, I didnt make it. A quick look at the profiles of admitted candidates turns up interesting facts. Most of the admitted candidates have a GMAT score of more than 700. I saw at least four 760's. Another interesting fact is that most of them have aeons of work experience behind them. I figure, that the average work experience this year will be above 6(at least for R2). I have decided to take this up as a challenge. I feel that I need to add more QUALITY experience to my resume. Also I need a better GMAT score. I managed 680 + 5.5 with a 15 days working prep. I can manage more, with an extended dedicated prep. The next time I will prepare other apps as well. I need to improve my quant skills as well. Now that I know what the enemy is, I feel I am more prepared to take it on again. I know I deserve to be in a top B-School. I refuse to give up. Signing off


At 12:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sankha, hard luck to you. I was discussing with MIB sometime back about who would make it in. Your name also were in our prediction list..Anyway, that's the way life goes..All the best for your future endeavours..

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Thoughtcurry said...

Thanx buddy.
Life's a bitch. But yes, I will try again, this time with a vengeance. :-). All the best to you too pal.


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