PG Acco at Bangalore
Someone asked me to describe my acco at Bangalore. Well here is how it looks. And would that someone please identify (him/her)self?
For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - DNA
Ramblings of a guy who is taking life as it comes.
Blogger Code - B3 d t k+ s u-- f i o++ x- e+ l-- c
Reduce the size of the image.. it's spoiling the look....
Yash - I know. Didnt have time to fiddle with the image. Will do it soon
There couldn't have been a better way to show your acco..
"To Heaven".
Sounds funny !
- Indian Blogger
Prad - I met your cousin Venkat at TCS Bangalore. Will be in NA hopefully in the first week of August. Hope to see you soon.
Hai gud !! 'To heaven' really sounds funny .. Ne ways whats ur id , mine is ... Its me Debasish ..
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