For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - DNA
Ramblings of a guy who is taking life as it comes. Blogger Code - B3 d t k+ s u-- f i o++ x- e+ l-- c
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Color accent
The S2 IS has an interesting feature called COLOR ACCENT. When you focus on an object, it lets you select colors from the ambience. When you hit the button, the camera extracts just that color from the ambience, keeping the surroundings in black and white. Cool huh???? Notice the blue in the bottle in contrast with the black and white background.
A particle of a person in Brownian motion in the sea of life and sincerely hoping that there is a method to my madness in the larger scheme of things. Am mostly enthusiastic but am occasionally dull. Believe in dealing and in being dealt a fair hand.
Port Blair -> Silchar -> Bangalore -> Hyderabad -> Bangalore -> Durham NC -> ???
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